This week in my yoga classes, I focussed on the idea of creating flow to let go. Little did I know how much I was going to need this! Not one but TWO of our cars died on the same day as I was trying to get to a class. Crazy!
Like hiking, yoga creates a flow of breath and movement in the physical body. But yoga also creates flow in the energetic body. What does this mean? Imagine something happening (for example, your car not starting) which shoots a reaction through your body and mind. Imagine energy traveling along paths back and forth between different parts of your body and mind. You get tense, you hold your breath, your fingers get a bit numb, chemical reactions take place, your thoughts begin to whirl… That’s the energetic body.
Ideally, when something happens to put your energetic body into overdrive, it flows around those pathways and then leaves. You feel, you react, it flows through you and dissipates.
But this only happens when your energy paths are clear of debris. If your stomach is feeling heavy because of a greasy meal, your reaction may stick around for longer. Your reaction energy may travel through your stomach and then stay there, giving you a sinking gut feeling that bothers you for the next hour. Or maybe you have a worry that has been sitting in the back of your mind. Your reaction energy may get stuck in your head, giving you a headache and lots of extra grumpy emotions.
Yoga calls the 7 big energy roundabouts (thank you Marlene Smits for this wonderful image) the Chakras. One of the Chakra roundabouts is in the stomach area, two are in the head area. The others are in our throat/neck, our chest, and two in our groin areas.
So how do we prepare for those inevitable reactions? How do we keep our energy roundabouts clear of debris? Try to stay away from foods that make your energy lull. Meditate, pray, talk, journal… to help your mind stay somewhat tidy. Practice breathing techniques while running or during yoga or when sitting in mindfulness, so you can use the breath to help keep the energy flowing when the crazy life sh*t happens.
The good thing about reactions, is that they can expose Chakra blocks that we didn’t even realize. If you experience a reactive life moment and that energy sticks around instead of dissipating, take it as an opportunity to try and figure out which Chakra is clogged and why. And don’t hesitate to gather your people to help you. You may need a Nutritionist or a Therapist or some Healing Touch/Reiki.
Life is going to happen. You are going to react. The sh*t is going to flow. But we can help by taking the marathon approach: those slow and steady lifestyle choices that keep our pathways somewhat tidy.
And my cars? Both little reasons that didn’t feel very little in the moment.
And so it flows.
Until next time,