2. Check Ins = High engagement
Create frequent touch points throughout the summer. A touchpoint can be anything from a team video call to a test submission where they need to report on a strength, speed or agility metric. Make sure they feel like someone cares for them and is invested in their performance even when you’re not present. It’s important to keep the morale high with these touchpoints.
3. Collaboration > Dictation (meet them halfway)
Something is better than nothing. Granting athletes some autonomy can lead to better results. Find out what motivates them and what is attainable for them. Try building out their packets together. This will drive buy-in and increase engagement.
Need more assistance in increasing your athlete engagement all year long?! Download the FREE Volt Athlete Engagement Guide & Tracker HERE to learn more engagement strategies, create your plan for the year, and lean on an easy-to-use template to track each athletes’ engagement.